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Cross referencing in SPDX 3

This document will walk though how to refer to SPDX Elements across documents (e.g. cross reference).

If you do would like to construct the complete example documents from this Markdown file, use the following command:

cat | awk 'BEGIN{flag=0} /^```json/, $0=="```" { if (/^---$/){flag++} else if ($0 !~ /^```.*/ ) print $0 > "doc-" flag ".spdx.json"}'

Linking via spdxId

It is frequently desired (and necessary) to reference an SPDX 3 Element that lives in one document from another. Since SPDX documents are valid JSON-LD documents, linking elements together can be as simple as referencing the spdxId of one element from another (in the same way that doing so within a document links Elements together. For example, assume we have this document that contains a Person we want to reference in another document:

    "@context": "",
    "@graph": [
            "type": "Person",
            "spdxId": "",
            "creationInfo": "_:creationinfo",
            "name": "Joshua Watt",
            "externalIdentifier": [
                    "type": "ExternalIdentifier",
                    "externalIdentifierType": "email",
                    "identifier": ""
            "type": "CreationInfo",
            "@id": "_:creationinfo",
            "specVersion": "3.0.0",
            "createdBy": [
            "created": "2024-03-06T00:00:00Z"
            "type": "SpdxDocument",
            "spdxId": "",
            "creationInfo": "_:creationinfo",
            "profileConformance": [
            "rootElement": [

Now, in our new document we can reference the "Joshua Watt" person by simply referring to it by its spdxId. For example, to indicate that this new document was also written by the same person, we can reference it in the creation info (note the createdBy property):

    "@context": "",
    "@graph": [
            "type": "CreationInfo",
            "@id": "_:creationinfo1",
            "specVersion": "3.0.0",
            "createdBy": [
            "created": "2024-05-08T00:00:00Z"


This is sufficient to link documents in JSON-LD, but it is missing some useful information that SPDX requires you to specify. Namely, since spdxIds are not necessarily resolvable URLs, this gives no indication as to where the Person can be found. In order to provide this information, SPDX requires that all externally referenced spdxIds be enumerated in the imports property of the local SpdxDocument. Lets start by writing the preamble for the SpdxDocument:

            "type": "SpdxDocument",
            "spdxId": "",
            "creationInfo": "_:creationinfo1",
            "profileConformance": [
            "imports": [

The imports property is a list of ExternalMap objects, one for each external spdxId being referenced. The class has one required property called externalSpdxId which is the external spdxId being described:

                    "type": "ExternalMap",
                    "externalSpdxId": "",

In addition to this, there are a few optional fields. The first is the locationHint property which is a URI that indicates where the document that contains the external spdxId may be located. Since this is an actual resolvable URI, consumers of the document can use locate the unresolved spdxId. While optional, this field is recommended:

                    "locationHint": "",

In addition to the location, the verifiedUsing property indicates how a user can verify the integrity of the external document to ensure it has not been tampered with. It can be 0 or more IntegrityMethod objects. While also optional, it is recommended to include at least one:

                    "verifiedUsing": [{
                        "type": "Hash",
                        "algorithm": "sha256",
                        "hashValue": "3ba8c249c1ba1b6fe20582de88a5123b317632a5a94ba27199d01724df4eb149"

Finally, the definingArtifact allows a much richer expression of information about the document that contains the external spdxId by linking to a complete Artifact element. This field is also optional, but if you need the impressive expressive power of the Artifact class, it is also recommended:

                    "definingArtifact": ""

It should be noted that it is reasonable for the definingArtifact itself to be an external spdxId, as long as it also has the relevant entry in imports.

We also need to add an import for the SpdxDocument that contains the author, as we will be referencing it later, so lets do that now:

                    "type": "ExternalMap",
                    "externalSpdxId": "",
                    "locationHint": "",
                    "verifiedUsing": [{
                        "type": "Hash",
                        "algorithm": "sha256",
                        "hashValue": "3ba8c249c1ba1b6fe20582de88a5123b317632a5a94ba27199d01724df4eb149"
                    "definingArtifact": ""

And that is it! By providing this information you are explaining to consumer of the document how they can resolve the external spdxIds.

Lets close out our SpdxDocument


Since we are using an Artifact that describes the SpdxDocument containing the external spdxId, we need to write that now:

            "type": "software_File",
            "spdxId": "",
            "creationInfo": "_:creationinfo1",
            "software_fileKind": "file",
            "software_primaryPurpose": "file",
            "software_contentType": "application/spdx+json",
            "verifiedUsing": [{
                "type": "Hash",
                "algorithm": "sha256",
                "hashValue": "3ba8c249c1ba1b6fe20582de88a5123b317632a5a94ba27199d01724df4eb149"
            "originatedBy": [
            "suppliedBy": "",
            "releaseTime": "2024-03-06T00:00:00Z",
            "builtTime": "2024-03-06T00:00:00Z"

Finally, since we are using an Artifact, we need to add a Relationship with type serailizedInArtifact to link the artifact and the serialized SpdxDocument. Note that this is where the spdxId of the SpdxDocument is referenced which is why we needed to import it earlier:

            "spdxId": "",
            "type": "Relationship",
            "creationInfo": "_:creationinfo1",
            "relationshipType": "serializedInArtifact",
            "from": "",
            "to": [

Happy Linking!